Reputational gain
Share the trust and integrity of the recognised leader of the UK’s water jetting industry
Marketing advantage
Only WJA members have the
right to display the WJA logo to
market their services
Audited member scheme
Becoming a WJA Audited
Member proves you set standards
that impress customers
Access to information
Instant access to information,
including our codes of practice,
through the WJA App
Expert technical advice
Free access to technical advice
and information via the WJA
technical manager
Medical support
Free advice on water jetting
injury and health via the WJA’s
senior medical advisor
Free access to Croner
Online and telephone advice on
HR issues, health and safety,
and business regulations
Service promotion
Promotion of your services
through the online WJA
Member Directory
Media collaboration
Opportunities to work with
the WJA on articles and case
studies in business media
WJA news promotion
Participate in regular features
on the WJA news pages that
promote your business
WJA Trade Show
Showcase your services at the
WJA Trade Show – the UK’s
only water jetting event
WJA Training
Develop your teams’ skills and
capabilities through the WJA’s
accredited training programme
Carbon off-set scheme
Free participation in the WJA’s
carbon off-set and wildlife
development scheme
Have your business interests
and views represented by your
industry’s professional body
Be active in the WJA by sharing
ideas and joining our board
and subgroups