WJA Member Spotlight – AL Hydrojetting

Company name: AL Hydrojetting Ltd
Company representative: Lee Oliver
Job title: Managing Director

Why did you decide to join the WJA?
Our membership of the WJA was an important consideration when setting up the company in 2019. All our staff and operatives are WJA trained and we consider having C1 water jetting contractor status as a WJA member for AL Hydrojetting Ltd as being a fundamental requirement.
What services do you deliver to the water jetting industry?
Primarily, we are a hydrodemolition contractor. We invested in robotic equipment at the start of the company’s operation and promote robotic hydrodemolition wherever possible.
We also have a dedicated facility where mixer and agitator drums can be cleaned, offering a quick turnaround, which is important to the asset owners and operators. This remains a ‘bread and butter’ aspect of the business’s daily operations.
What are the three most important elements of service delivery for your customers and why?
- We provide approachable and direct contact with the senior management of the company to be sure that the project requirements are fully understood and followed.
- Safe and competent operations on site. The site teams are expected to comply with all specific requirements, whether these refer to safe operations, programme requirements or behavioral standards.
- The right service at the most reasonable price.
What have been the business highlights for AL Hydrojetting over the last 12 months?
Continuation of work from our main clients. This proves that the considerations listed above are being met. We’re also pleased to have won significant contracts with principal contractors on major UK projects.
A client recently approached us to enquire if sheet damp proof membrane could effectively be removed from a concrete foundation with high pressure jetting.
Whilst he was facing a programme delay that could have added significant time to his project, we were able to complete the work, and leave suitably prepared substrate, in just a few days. This was a slightly different use of high pressure jetting and an interesting application of the processes.

Tell us something that you think anyone outside the industry will find amazing about water jetting?
That it works so well.
Customers who commission us for the first time are often amazed at what we can achieve with water jetting. Some do take a bit of convincing at first. We often refer them to a good practice page on the much-respected and informative HSE website:
Summarising the points made by the HSE in relation to the benefits that high pressure water jetting can bring to a concrete repair project:
The water jetting process (is) more expensive than the use of hand-held breakers. However, the cost of repairs to the reinforcement bar and base concrete (is) eliminated. These reinstatement costs often result in total project costs significantly higher than those for the water jetting method.
Operators are not exposed to any hand-arm vibration.
The reinforcement bar (is) completely unaffected and there (is) no damage to the base concrete structure so it (is) immediately ready for the application of new concrete.
The new concrete adheres better to the jetted surface.
Airborne dust levels are very low as the debris is washed away by the water.
What’s the biggest change in technology or process you have witnessed in your service sector in recent years?
The development of high pressure water jetting pumps that can add control and consistency to operations, whilst reducing exhaust pollution and wasted energy.
What do you think will be the biggest changes or challenges over the next 10 years?
The withdrawal of the use of gas oil in the construction sector has added significant costs to the running of some plant, and this includes high pressure water pumps.
We see the development of useable electric powered plant with economical and clean power generation as an imperative when considering future development in similar businesses.
What are you most proud of about the way your team supports your customers?
Again, the continued repeat business is testament to the efficacy of our site teams’ performance. Detailed discussion at early pre-contract stages ensures full understanding of the services we will undertake for any client, and successful outcomes in all situations.
If someone was considering becoming a water jetter, what three reasons would you give to convince them it’s a good job?
- There will always be work in the hydrodemolition sector, whilst local authorities continue to spread salt on bridges every winter!!
- Recognition of a high standard of safety training and procedures throughout the industry.
- The opportunity to visit remote parts of rainy highways in the middle of the night.
The last one is a bit of a slow burner.
If AL Hydrojetting was an animal, what kind would it be?