StoneAge INC (WJA Member) – News Item

StoneAge announces Exclusive Distribution Partnership with Asia Waterjet Equipment, headquartered in Dubai.
Stoneage Inc are pleased to announce that starting August 23, 2017, we will be selling Waterblast Tools and Automated Equipment in the Middle East through an exclusive dealership agreement with Asia Waterjet Equipment (AWE). As an established leader in the supply of high pressure waterjetting products and accessories and a longtime distributor of StoneAge products, AWE understands and shares StoneAge’s commitment to outstanding customer service.
StoneAge implements global distribution strategies based on the specific needs of each market in which they operate. As the Middle East region’s only authorized StoneAge dealer, AWE will ensure StoneAgecustomers in United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon have direct access to parts and inventory, technical support, training, and educational resources.
By working with AWE, industrial cleaning contractors across the Middle East will also have access to StoneAge’s U.S.-based engineering team, enabling them to get fast answers to their hard questions and allowing them opportunity to provide input on product design, functionality and safety.
View the full press release on our blog.
Randolph Briggs
International Sales Director
Office: +1 (970) 259-2869
Direct: +971 5 6832 7196
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